How to Contact Monopoly GO Customer Support: Expert Guide

Are you encountering challenges while enjoying your Monopoly GO experience? Have you missed out on event rewards or need to get in touch with Monopoly GO’s customer support? We recognize the frustration that can come with persistent errors and issues during gameplay.

Worry not, we are here to provide you with a complete guide on how to quickly reach out to Monopoly GO’s customer support and report any issues you may encounter.

In our detailed guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step, ensuring a smoother gaming experience for you.

Contacting Monopoly GO Support: Your Options

1. Via the Game App Chat Support

Follow the step-by-step process as shown in the image.

  1. In the top-left game screen corner, tap the three-lines menu icon.
How to Contact Monopoly GO Customer Support. step 1

2. In the menu that appears, select “Settings.”

How to Contact Monopoly GO Customer Support. step 2

3. Within the Settings menu, click on “Customer Service.”

How to Contact Monopoly GO Customer Support. step 3

You’ll be directed to an automated responder system that aims to address common queries and issues. If you don’t find a satisfactory answer within given options,

4. Click on any article as shown in the image below.

How to Contact Monopoly GO Customer Support. step 4

5. Click the chat box icon in the top right corner, as shown below.

How to Contact Monopoly GO Customer Support. step 5

6. Explain your issue with screenshots as proof.

How to Contact Monopoly GO Customer Support. step 6

After submitting your issue, wait for a response, but please note that, based on our experience, the chances of receiving one are quite low.

Common Error Solutions

In the world of Monopoly GO!, where fun and excitement await at every corner, encountering technical issues can be frustrating. Here are some common problems players have faced and potential solutions:

Monopoly GO Not Loading Issues

If you find yourself stuck with a loading screen that never seems to end, don’t worry; you’re not alone. This issue has been reported by several players. While the exact cause may vary, here are some steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Check Your Internet Connection: A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for online gaming. Ensure that your connection is reliable and not experiencing any interruptions.
  • Device Compatibility: Verify that your device meets the game’s system requirements. Outdated hardware may struggle to run the game smoothly.
  • Clear Cache and Data: Sometimes, accumulated data and cache files can lead to loading issues. Go to your device’s settings, locate the Monopoly GO! app, and clear its cache and data.

Known Issues and Live Issues

Scopely maintains a valuable resource – a list of known and live issues. This list provides insights into reported problems and their current status, whether they’ve been resolved or are still under investigation. If you’re facing issues like game crashes, missing rewards, purchase errors, or other gameplay problems, this page is your go-to reference: Scopely Known and Live Issues

Stuck on Bank Heist

One peculiar problem some players encounter is getting stuck on the “Bank Heist” event. While there isn’t a guaranteed solution, it’s a known issue within the community. If you’ve experienced this problem and found a way to resolve it, consider sharing your insights in the comments or on community platforms to assist fellow players.

Green Houses not being added to the board

Occasionally, players may notice a visual error where green houses do not appear on the Monopoly GO! game board. However, this issue is often just a visual glitch, and the houses are still functioning as intended. If you suspect a genuine problem, it’s advisable to explore your support options.

In Conclusion

Monopoly GO! is a dynamic and engaging game, but like any software, it can encounter technical hiccups. The key to a seamless gaming experience is knowing how to access Monopoly GO Support when you need it. Whether you choose to use the in-app customer service or the “Chat with us” option, there are ways to get assistance.

Additionally, staying informed about known issues and potential solutions can save you time and frustration. Keep an eye on Scopely’s list of known and live issues to stay up-to-date with the game’s current status.

7 thoughts on “How to Contact Monopoly GO Customer Support: Expert Guide”

  1. They suck. Have been trying to recover an account with 2,900 dice. I have given them all of my information and all that they reply is with that. I haven’t given them any and that they can’t help me.

  2. I’m trying to make a complaint and haven’t heard back. I was cheated out of the partner event my last partner just hit it with seconds to go and when I went to click on it, it disappeared that was my last partner to finish to and we did and I got none of the rewards. When I should have gotten 500 dices for completing the last vault and then the 5000 and guaranteed new card pack and got no e of them please help me and fix your issue. Second time in 2days yous have ripped me off

    • I’m sorry to hear that, but we’re just a fan website. To address the issue, it’s best to contact the game’s support team directly. Keep in mind that there is less chance of getting a response.

  3. Fecho conjuntos dos álbuns não recebo recompensa.
    O Baú da comunidade nunca o abri
    E selos de 1 e 2 estrelas repetidas várias vezes
    Não recebi um selo que me foi enviado
    Acho injusto não receber o que tenho direito


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